Saturday, 8 January 2011

What's on my mind this month, in pictures

This picture was taken by Scott Shulman, a.k.a. The Sartoralist. If you haven't seen his blog, DO IT NOW. It's a who's who to the best dressed in Europe. Anyway, I adore this picture. I love her dress, the fact that she's still using a notebook, but most of all I love her hair. I would desperately like to be ginger, and dyed my hair a chestnut last month.

I am participating in a production of Macbeth, playing the part of Malcolm, so if my posts are a bit sketchy and patchy then do forgive me, I am likely to be rehearsing or learning lines, as the first performance is on 19th January. Gulp.

These two represent how I feel in the New Year - kind of like I'm going somewhere else, but I'm not really sure where yet. I know that sounds awfully cheesy, but I can't think of a better way to put it. I don't buy into the whole "new year, new start, new me" business, but I do think this year will be quite different from the last one. Judging by this week alone, it will be.

I don't usually put anything too personal on here, lest someone untoward sees it, but this is something else that's been playing on my mind.


  1. Oh look, a blog post!
    And I'm not letting you do the army thing, sorry.

  2. Yeah. It's my second in like a week, I'm catching up! P:
    Try and stop me.
